特价直销出口 电刀苏州康迪S900B型高频电刀 Type S900B H.F. Electrosurgical Unit Working modes:pure cut, blend 1, blend 2, desiccate, fulgurate, spray and bipolar.· range of use: May use to various surgical operations of cutting or/and coagulation to organism tissue.Working modes:pure cut, blend 1, blend 2, desiccate, fulgurate, spray and bipolar.itmetypeS900Bdetailworking modespure cut or cut5~300W(may provide type 5~400W)blend 15~240Wblend 25~200Wblend 3-desiccate5~200Wfulgurate or coag.5~150Wspray5~100Wbipolar2~70Wrange of use May use to various surgical operations of cutting or/and coagulation to organism tissue.disposation of accessariesactive electrode5footswitch1neutral electrode1bipolar electrode1disposable electrodepick out and buytransport datapackage dimensions51×29×48cmgross weight13kgtechnology datavoltage of mains~220V ±22V,50Hz±1Hzworking freguency512kHz ±5KHzvariety of equipmentclass 1,type CF.ordinary eguipmentworking fashionloading intermittently,functioning continuously.leskage currents to groundless than 0.5mAleskage currents through patientless than 0.01mAwww.szkddz.cn
[email protected] 0512-63689928特价直销出口 电刀苏州康迪S900B型高频电刀